Saturday, January 13, 2018

Everything about goals..

Everyone on this planet is born for some purpose/calling. One should find out what is his/her calling in the life is. Once your calling is figured out, it should become your life's mission. To attain that, you need to have some intermediate goals and have a strategy to meet them time after time.

Goals can be for any time horizon. You can have some long term goals to attain high impact things. However, you can break them up to short duration goals so that you can focus to attain them. These short term goals should have the long term vision in mind and they should bring you one or more steps to closer to the end goal.

Lot of material out there on the internet about goals, goal setting, goal tracking, breaking down to smaller goals, benefits of goals in general.

This blog is the collection of my reflections from a session I attended today. In this session, we focused mainly about the goal setting for year 2018.

Some generic points to remember while setting up goals and tracking the goals

  1. Goals can be of 3 or 4 different categories to cover some key aspects -- Body, Mind, Spirit, Skills
  2. Once any goal is closer to heart, chances of attaining them would be easier
  3. Have bigger goals with smaller milestones by breaking them down..
  4. Visualize and emotionally feel the goals. This helps in making 
  5. Build SMART (Specific-Measurable-Attainable-Relavant-Timebound) goals
  6. Develop some good habits which will help in attaining your goals in life 
  7. Always better to write down your goals - place them where you can see them on a daily basis - visualise them daily
  8. Have strict discipline when it comes to goal tracking
  9. Eliminate any self-doubt and build self-confidence; Avoid comparisons which are not taking you toward the goal; Avoid seeking approval/validatiton. Always think how much progress you made from the previous occurrence 
  10. Build positivity - have attitude of gratitude

Everyone started sharing their short term goals and long term goals. Team members were asking for clarity and helping fine tune those goals. We used trello tool to capture these goals for all the members of the team. This tool helps one to track closely and help others as well in this process.

Most of them mentioned about reading some good books as part of their goals. We are planning to use goodreads to share the book recommendations. 

I would like to thank my team members (Sam, Elsy, Nagamani, Nandita, Sharmila and Philo) for all their insights, positivity and energy. 2018 is going to be an awesome year with great progress across all aspects of my life. Wish you all the best for the best year ever for you. 


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  4. Super Raju
    Captured the essence of the session through your blog.
    It can be a reference point for goal setting....

  5. Raju, well written, 2018 will be the most successful year for our team, we all will work together to achieve our personal goals and goals of bigger team TILT... excellent reiteration!
